OUR Playroom – in response to Jennie

The gorgeous Jennie blogged about her fantastic playroom yesterday and I was so impressed with her beautiful organisation and creativity. You can see it here: http://www.edspire.co.uk/year_2013/03/17/our-playroom/

It was such a popular post, I thought you might also like to see ours.

Here, in the boys’ bedroom, we have a nice organised book cupboard with one shelf for each of the boys:


Next to that, on the opposite wall, we have this upturned IKEA tub of assorted crap:


Next to that a patch of carpet where we keep some cars, a fighter-plane with no wings and a scooter:


Anything else we find which doesn’t fit into any of the above categories, we put on the piano…


…awaiting a rainy day when we will sort and tidy them away. (Today is raining cats and dogs, but I’m not doing it today as I’m blogging. Maybe on the next rainy day, which should be tomorrow..)

Jennie, PLEASE come over and organise my life a bit… you are much needed here!! I will give you spaghetti…and wine…and tea…and chocolate! xx


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